
Payment options

When will I be charged?

All orders are charged at the time they are placed. You’ll receive an additional email notifying you of when your order has shipped.

Do you provide financing or other payment options?

We currently offer financing via Synchrony and PayPal. Please choose either option at checkout to take advantage of current financing offers.

What if I don’t want to give my credit card information online?

No problem, you can order by phone by calling 888.338.9869.

What types of payments do you accept?

We accept Cash, Check, Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, and Synchrony Financing in store and online. We also accept PayPal, ApplePay, Amazon Pay, and Google Pay online.

Do you accept Wire Transfers or ACH Payments?

Please contact us before placing your order so we can provide wire transfer / ACH details.

Do you accept Purchase Orders / PO's?

Please contact us before placing your order for Purchase Order requirements.

Do you provide terms (Net 7, Net 30)?

Please contact us before placing your order for terms.